This is also a problem with LibreOffice-common- . (I mean that a remote printer announced through cups-browsed on a remote host is not listed in the print dialog in LibreOffice, although it is present in the print dialogs in other programs.) # rpm -qa 'LibreOffice*' LibreOffice-common- LibreOffice-langpack-ru- LibreOffice-integrated- LibreOffice-extensions- LibreOffice-gnome- # +++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #33144 +++ LibreOffice-common-5.2-alt3.M80P.4 In other programs, e.g., firefox or evince, a remote printer is discovered and shown in the print dialog. But in libreoffice, this remote printer is not present in the print dialog. $ rpm -qa 'Libre*' LibreOffice-common-5.2-alt3.M80P.4 LibreOffice-integrated-5.2-alt3.M80P.4 LibreOffice-langpack-ru-5.2-alt3.M80P.4 LibreOffice-gnome-5.2-alt3.M80P.4 LibreOffice-extensions-5.2-alt3.M80P.4 $ rpm -qa '*cups*' python3-module-cups-1.9.73-alt1.1 i586-libcups-2.1.0-alt2.M80P.2 libcups-2.1.0-alt2.M80P.2 hplip-hpcups-3.16.7-alt1.M80P.1 python3-module-cupshelpers-1.5.9-alt0.M80P.1 cups-filters-1.13.3-alt1.M80P.1 cups-filters-libs-1.13.3-alt1.M80P.1 cups-2.1.0-alt2.M80P.2 hplip-hpcups-PPDs-3.16.7-alt1.M80P.1 python-module-cups-1.9.73-alt1.1 cups-pdf-2.6.1-alt1 $ rpm -qa 'libgtk*' libgtk+3-gir-3.20.9-alt1 libgtk+2-2.24.31-alt1 libgtk-engines-default-common-2.20.2-alt2.qa2 libgtkspell-2.0.16-alt2 libgtk-engine-hc-2.20.2-alt2.qa2 libgtksourceview3-3.20.4-alt1 libgtk+2-locales-2.24.31-alt1 libgtk+3-3.20.9-alt1 libgtkglext-1.2.0-alt2.4 libgtkmm3-3.20.1-alt1 libgtksourceview-2.10.5-alt2.1 libgtkmm2-2.24.4-alt2 $
Some additional comparisons (in BaseALT office net): * LibreOffice-common- the print dialog doesn't list "lp1". * evince-3.22.1-alt1.x86_64 (uses libgtk+3-3.22.8-alt1): the print dialog shows an additional strange printer "print", which is "Rejecting jobs", but not "lp1". * atril-gtk-1.16.1-alt1.x86_64 (uses libgtk+2-2.24.31-alt1): the print dialog correctly lists the additional remote "lp1".