I need to set "nomodeset nouveau.modeset=0" to the end of kernel line. but because you use a chainload of rEFInd boot loader and lilo then a file.cz (or something like that) is being extracted at boot and after that kernel would run. So I couldn't do that. Please advise on how to set the kernel option at boot in LiveCD or install media. this is due to the problem of nouveau with some Nvidia video cards. look below for more info https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=84721
On Sisyphus.
Press F2 twice while in refind (options menu, cmdline editor) and add that, just checked and it works; I can build you an image with nvidia driver either (tell the current image name if you think it would help).
Did the advice help? By the way, ALT Workstation K has KDE5 and nvidia drivers: http://ftp.altlinux.org/pub/distributions/ALTLinux/p8/images/kworkstation/