не подхватывается вручную сделанная из rescue разбивка дисков, LVM поверх md-раздела с metadata v. 1.2 (0.9 - ок). Инсталятор при сканировании дисков выдаёт сначала ошибку (Критическая ошибка, Bad file descriptor), а потом иксы падают и всё уходит в перезагрузку. wizard.log: ("/evms/control" language ("ru_RU") action "write" control open installer #t) ("/help/" language ("ru_RU") action "read" topic "vm") ;answer: ("/help" url "/usr/share/alterator/help/ru_RU/vm.html") ("/evms/profiles" language ("ru_RU") action "list") install2.log: guile: uncaught throw to internal-error: (wrong-type-arg "apply" "Wront type argument in position ~A: ~S" (1 #f) (#f))
А если из после падения снова запустить установку (xinit alterator-wizard), то такие разделы уже подхватываются. Им можно назначить FS, точки монтирования, и инсталлятор дохнет уже при переходе к следующему шагу. wizard.log: ("/evms/control" language ("ru_RU") action "write" control open installer #t) ;answer: empty ("/evms/control" language ("ru_RU") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/storage/disks" language ("ru_RU") action "list") ;answer: ("/evms/storage/disks/vda" name "vda") ;answer: ("/evms/storage/disks/vdb" name "vdb") ("/evms/storage/disks/vda" language ("ru_RU") action props props (id size free)) ;answer: ("" "24 GB" "1 MB") ("/evms/storage/disks/vdb" language ("ru_RU") action props props (id size free)) ;answer: ("" "24 GB" "1 MB") ("/evms/profiles" language ("ru_RU") action "list") ;answer: ("/evms/profiles/server" name "server") ;answer: ("/evms/profiles/workstation" name "workstation") ;answer: ("/evms/profiles/none" name "none") ("/evms/profiles/server" language ("ru_RU") action size) ;answer: ("17 GB") ("/evms/profiles/server" language ("ru_RU") action title) ;answer: ("Setup for server") ("/evms/profiles/workstation" language ("ru_RU") action size) ;answer: ("16 GB") ("/evms/profiles/workstation" language ("ru_RU") action title) ;answer: ("Setup for workstation") ("/evms/profiles/none" language ("ru_RU") action size) ;answer: ("") ("/evms/profiles/none" language ("ru_RU") action title) ;answer: ("Custom") ("/help/" language ("ru_RU") action "read" topic "vm") ;answer: ("/help" url "/usr/share/alterator/help/ru_RU/vm.html") ("/evms/profiles" language ("ru_RU") action "list") ;answer: ("/evms/profiles/server" name "server") ;answer: ("/evms/profiles/workstation" name "workstation") ;answer: ("/evms/profiles/none" name "none") ("/evms/storage/disks" language ("ru_RU") action "list") ;answer: ("/evms/storage/disks/vda" name "vda") ;answer: ("/evms/storage/disks/vdb" name "vdb") ("/evms/profiles/none" language ("ru_RU") action apply commit #f clearall #f exclude ()) ;answer: (nexthop /vm/table) ("/evms/control" language ("ru_RU") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("ru_RU") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") #("LVM" "" "") (#(("VG0" . "vm/partition.png") "22 GB" "" "" "") (#(("<unused20>" . "vm/unused.png") "19 GB" "" "" "") #(("home" . "vm/umounted.png") "3072 MB [3072 MB]" "" "" ""))) #("RAID" "" "") (#(("md0" . "vm/umounted.png") "2048 MB [1981 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "" "")))) ("/evms/tree/Disks" language ("ru_RU") action ops) ;answer: () ("/evms/tree/RAID/md0" language ("ru_RU") action ops) ;answer: ((op-volume-mkfs . #f) (op-volume-fsck . #t) (op-volume-unmkfs . #t) (op-volume-expand . #f) (op-volume-shrink . #t) (op-volume-mount . #t) (op-volume-umount . #f) (op-volume-remount . #f) (op-volume-setmntent . #t) (op-volume-destroy . #t)) ("/evms/tree/RAID/md0" language ("ru_RU") action task operation op-volume-setmntent) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/1") ("/evms/tasks/1" language ("ru_RU") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/1" language ("ru_RU") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/1" language ("ru_RU") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . combobox/ex) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "/" "/home" "/usr" "/var" "/boot" "/srv" "/opt" "/usr/local" "/var/lib/vz" "/var/ftp" "/var/www" "/var/cache/squid" "/boot/efi" "/mnt/disk") (name . mntpoint) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mountpoint") (flags expandable important) (value . "/")) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . mntoptions) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mount Options") (flags) (value . "relatime")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . force-mkfs) (title . "Format before using") (flags automatic not-required no-initial-value) (value . #t))) ("/evms/tasks/1" language ("ru_RU") action set-options! mntpoint "/") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/1" language ("ru_RU") action set-options! mntoptions "relatime") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/1" language ("ru_RU") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("ru_RU") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("ru_RU") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") #("LVM" "" "") (#(("VG0" . "vm/partition.png") "22 GB" "" "" "") (#(("<unused20>" . "vm/unused.png") "19 GB" "" "" "") #(("home" . "vm/umounted.png") "3072 MB [3072 MB]" "" "" ""))) #("RAID" "" "") (#(("md0" . "vm/umounted.png") "2048 MB [1981 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "vm/caution.png") "/" "relatime")))) ("/evms/tree/RAID" language ("ru_RU") action ops) ;answer: ((op-raid-create . #f)) ("/evms/tree/LVM/VG0/<unused20>" language ("ru_RU") action ops) ;answer: ((op-lv-create . #t) (op-volume-create . #f) (op-luks-lv . #t) (op-luks-create . #f) (op-lv-expand . #f) (op-lv-shrink . #f) (op-lv-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/tree/LVM/VG0/home" language ("ru_RU") action ops) ;answer: ((op-volume-mkfs . #t) (op-volume-fsck . #f) (op-volume-unmkfs . #f) (op-volume-expand . #f) (op-volume-shrink . #f) (op-volume-mount . #f) (op-volume-umount . #f) (op-volume-remount . #f) (op-volume-setmntent . #f) (op-volume-destroy . #t)) ("/evms/tree/LVM/VG0/home" language ("ru_RU") action task operation op-volume-mkfs) ;answer: (choice #f op-volume-mkfs op-volume-setmntent "/evms/tasks/2" "/evms/tasks/3" "/evms/tasks/4" "/evms/tasks/5" "/evms/tasks/6" "/evms/tasks/7") ("/evms/tasks/2" language ("ru_RU") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/2" title "Ext2/3/4 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/3" language ("ru_RU") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/3" title "XFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/4" language ("ru_RU") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/4" title "Swap File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/5" language ("ru_RU") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/5" title "FAT16 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/6" language ("ru_RU") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/6" title "FAT32 File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/7" language ("ru_RU") action "read") ;answer: ("/evms/tasks/7" title "NTFS File System Interface Module" next-op op-volume-setmntent) ("/evms/tasks/3" language ("ru_RU") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/4" language ("ru_RU") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/5" language ("ru_RU") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/6" language ("ru_RU") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/7" language ("ru_RU") action destroy) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/2" language ("ru_RU") action verbose) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/2" language ("ru_RU") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/2" language ("ru_RU") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks") (title . "Check For Bad Blocks") (tip . "Check the volume for bad blocks before building the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #f)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "badblocks_rw") (title . "Read/Write Check For Bad Blocks") (tip . "Do a read/write check for bad blocks before building the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #f)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "vollabel") (title . "Volume Label") (tip . "Set the volume label for the file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags no-initial-value not-required) (value . "")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "journal") (title . "Create Ext3 Journal") (tip . "Create a journal for use with the ext3 file system.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #t)) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . "extents") (title . "Use Ext4 extents") (tip . "Use Ext4 extents feature.") (help . #f) (unit . #f) (flags not-required) (value . #t))) ("/evms/tasks/2" language ("ru_RU") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (task #f op-volume-setmntent #f "/evms/tasks/8") ("/evms/tasks/8" language ("ru_RU") action verbose) ;answer: (#f) ("/evms/tasks/8" language ("ru_RU") action objects) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tasks/8" language ("ru_RU") action options) ;answer: (((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . combobox/ex) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . list) (constraint "/home" "/usr" "/var" "/boot" "/srv" "/opt" "/usr/local" "/var/lib/vz" "/var/ftp" "/var/www" "/var/cache/squid" "/boot/efi" "/mnt/disk" "/") (name . mntpoint) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mountpoint") (flags expandable important) (value . "/home")) ((pixmap . "vm/reqfield.gif") (widget . edit) (ready . #t) (type . string) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . mntoptions) (oldvalue . #f) (title . "Mount Options") (flags) (value . "nosuid,relatime")) ((pixmap . "") (widget . checkbox) (ready . #t) (type . boolean) (constraint-type . #f) (constraint . #f) (name . force-mkfs) (oldvalue . #t) (title . "Format before using") (flags automatic not-required) (value . #f))) ("/evms/tasks/8" language ("ru_RU") action set-options! mntpoint "/home") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/8" language ("ru_RU") action set-options! mntoptions "nosuid,relatime") ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/tasks/8" language ("ru_RU") action apply verbose #f next-hop #t) ;answer: (#t) ("/evms/control" language ("ru_RU") action "write" control update) ;answer: empty ("/evms/tree" language ("ru_RU") action tree) ;answer: ("/evms/tree" #("tree" "" "") (#("Disks" "" "") #("LVM" "" "") (#(("VG0" . "vm/partition.png") "22 GB" "" "" "") (#(("<unused20>" . "vm/unused.png") "19 GB" "" "" "") #(("home" . "vm/umounted.png") "3072 MB [3072 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "theme:null") "/home" "nosuid,relatime"))) #("RAID" "" "") (#(("md0" . "vm/umounted.png") "2048 MB [1981 MB]" ("Ext2/3" . "vm/caution.png") "/" "relatime")))) ("/evms/tree/LVM/VG0" language ("ru_RU") action ops) ;answer: ((op-vg-expand . #f) (op-vg-shrink . #t) (op-vg-destroy . #f)) ("/evms/control" language ("ru_RU") action "read" control assigned) ;answer: ("/evms/control" assigned ("/home" "/")) ("/evms/control" language ("ru_RU") action "read" control checkgpt) ;answer: ("/evms/control" checkgpt #f) ("/evms/control" language ("ru_RU") action "read" control postponed) ;answer: ("/evms/control" postponed ("md|md0")) ("/evms/control" language ("ru_RU") action "read" control pending) ;answer: ("/evms/control" pending (("lvm2/VG0/home" region (activate)) ("localhost.localdomain:1" region (activate)) ("/dev/evms/lvm2/VG0/home" volume (mkfs activate)))) ("/evms/control" language ("ru_RU") action "write" control commit)
Сам потерял больше недели на этой шняге. Надо заметить, то и метаданные других форматов тоже не очень нравятся установщику, он умудряется "погасить" группу томов, если она существовала, в процессе инсталяции, и больше её не поднимать. Пришлось переключаться в свободную консоль, ставить с диска пакет с утилитами для LVM2, там же "ручками" vgchange -a y vg0, потом переходить на разметку диска.