libfribidi-0.10.4-alt3 libfribidi-0.10.9-alt1 Programs built with the newer library require symbols that are not present in the older one, but this is not detected by RPM ( A solution would be to versionize the symbols in libfribidi and rebuild the dependent packages with it.
Autosolved with set-version provides: $ rpm -q --provides libfribidi = set:kdIorA17ocBs7PpgJd4np6AIkoH6patzH8San8BNdhiU52CIalZKnFgT3OH7JiJZHrLYxloHlyAZioZczmMlPo6yvZDIzWR5Vin4Cbhx2VTSVLNqEE31N9GPlt3CZAmGEjsZwEKRJJA1AFcgPPnmumkcgK7TPkRL0 libfribidi = 0.10.9-alt3