Bug 52829 - Падает при попытке редактировать документ (*.doc|*.docx|*.odt) свёрстанный в MS Word 2010
Summary: Падает при попытке редактировать документ (*.doc|*.docx|*.odt) свёрстанный в ...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Sisyphus
Classification: Development
Component: LibreOffice-still (show other bugs)
Version: unstable
Hardware: x86_64 Linux
: P5 normal
Assignee: Andrey Cherepanov
QA Contact: qa-sisyphus
Depends on:
Reported: 2025-01-27 10:09 MSK by psaq
Modified: 2025-01-28 14:57 MSK (History)
2 users (show)

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Description psaq 2025-01-27 10:09:05 MSK
янв 27 10:59:37 D525.CASP kwin_x11[7402]: kwin_core: Failed to focus 0x7a00027 (error 8)
янв 27 10:59:39 D525.CASP libreoffice[9592]: SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
янв 27 10:59:39 D525.CASP libreoffice[9592]: SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
янв 27 10:59:39 D525.CASP libreoffice[9592]: SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
янв 27 10:59:44 D525.CASP libreoffice[9592]: kf.kio.filewidgets.kfilefiltercombo: KFileFilterCombo::setCurrentFilter: Could not find file filter KFileFilter(MIME patterns: QList() File patterns: QList("*.docx") label: "Документ Word 2010–365 (.docx)")
янв 27 10:59:54 D525.CASP libreoffice[9592]: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
янв 27 10:59:54 D525.CASP libreoffice[9592]:   what():  basic_string_view::substr: __pos (which is 644) > __size (which is 620)
янв 27 10:59:59 D525.CASP libreoffice[9696]: SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
янв 27 10:59:59 D525.CASP libreoffice[9696]: SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
янв 27 10:59:59 D525.CASP libreoffice[9696]: SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
янв 27 11:00:06 D525.CASP libreoffice[9696]: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
янв 27 11:00:06 D525.CASP libreoffice[9696]:   what():  basic_string_view::substr: __pos (which is 644) > __size (which is 620)
Comment 1 Andrey Cherepanov 2025-01-28 14:57:08 MSK
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