ID | Status▲ | Resolution | Sev | Product | Comp | Assignee▲ | Reporter | Summary |
15127 | NEW | --- | nor | Sisyphus | hasher-p | ldv | vyt | FR: please add support for mount files in chroot |
20905 | NEW | --- | enh | Sisyphus | hasher-p | ldv | boyarsh | [FR] портирование на debian useradd |
30206 | NEW | --- | nor | Sisyphus | hasher-p | ldv | lav | hasher-priv: chrootuid: unshare CLONE_NEWNET: File exists |
38945 | NEW | --- | enh | Sisyphus | hasher-p | ldv | imz | the role of /etc/hasher-priv/fstab is not documented |
47624 | NEW | --- | nor | Sisyphus | hasher-p | ldv | vt | hasher-privd[940466]: join_caller_cgroup: cgroup: not version 2 |
File a new bug in the "hasher-priv" component of the "Sisyphus" product