I found that the hardware SRC was inferior to alsa's linear SRC which was inferior to mplayer's default SRC which was inferior to mplayer's resample fitler which was inferior to mplayer's lavcresample filter, which was still inferior to using an old Hollywood+ dvd decoder card purely for it's dolby certified SPDIF port.  ...
6 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
12861 NEW --- nor Sisyphus alterato manowar sbolshakov unwanted side effect
15740 NEW --- nor Sisyphus alterato manowar raorn Может использоваться не более одного значения в XkbOption и только grp:
25603 NEW --- nor Sisyphus alterato manowar fuckel Отсутствует опция активации дополнительных раскладок
29848 NEW --- nor Sisyphus alterato manowar sem Не применяются настройки языков и переключения раскладки
30932 NEW --- nor Sisyphus alterato manowar midyukov-anton Сделать обще-системную смену раскладки
37816 NEW --- min Sisyphus alterato manowar sem Недостатки локализации "Центр управления", "Графический интерфейс", "Клавиатура"

File a new bug in the "alterator-xkb" component of the "Sisyphus" product