Programming is not just an act of telling a computer what to do: it is also an act of telling other programmers what you wished the computer to do. Both are important, and the latter deserves care. -- Andrew Morton ...
5 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
33870 NEW --- nor Sisyphus ModemMan sem slava Не работает подключение [компьютер <bluetooth> телефон <3-4G> Интернет]
38507 NEW --- nor Sisyphus ModemMan sem kuhtinov_ev Не находится сервис dbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.service
46058 NEW --- nor Sisyphus ModemMan sem varaksaaa Modem Manager: "Invalid conversion from GSM to UTF-8: Invalid conversion from GSM7"
23978 ASSI --- cri Sisyphus ModemMan sem gns doesn't work with GSM modem
24110 ASSI --- nor Sisyphus ModemMan sem hsv Пропала поддержка модемов C-motech CCU-550

File a new bug in the "ModemManager" component of the "Sisyphus" product