We need to create governance policies and guidelines, so that the energy of the community does not get spent on disagreement rather than constructive collaboration. -- Mark Shuttleworth in sounder@ ...
3 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
14293 NEW --- enh Sisyphus alterato inger hiddenman [usability] Пустые файлы конфигурации etcnet с комментариями для новых интерфейсов
14565 NEW --- enh Sisyphus installe nobody cas [usability] В программе установки нет информации о требуемом размере и времени установки
15272 NEW --- enh Sisyphus rpm placeholder dottedmag There is no clear separation between internal and external macros in macrofiles

File a new bug in the "Sisyphus" product