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Bug 45948
Невозможно выполнить печать через Windows printer via SAMBA в cups
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error_log_debug (text/plain), 339.61 KB, created by
Монастырский Илья
on 2023-04-24 18:48:55 MSK
Логи ошибки с включенной отладкой
MIME Type:
Монастырский Илья
2023-04-24 18:48:55 MSK
339.61 KB
>W [24/Apr/2023:12:56:55 +0300] Printer drivers are deprecated and will stop working in a future version of CUPS. See >E [24/Apr/2023:12:56:55 +0300] Unable to open listen socket for address [v1.::1]:631 - Address already in use. >E [24/Apr/2023:12:56:55 +0300] Unable to open listen socket for address - Address already in use. >W [24/Apr/2023:12:57:38 +0300] [Job 29] Backend returned status 2 (authentication required) >W [24/Apr/2023:12:57:46 +0300] [Job 28] Backend returned status 2 (authentication required) >W [24/Apr/2023:12:58:07 +0300] [Job 28] Backend returned status 2 (authentication required) >W [24/Apr/2023:12:58:09 +0300] [Job 28] Backend returned status 2 (authentication required) >W [24/Apr/2023:12:58:13 +0300] [Job 28] Backend returned status 2 (authentication required) >E [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Scheduler shutting down due to program error. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Listening to [v1.::1]:631 (IPv6) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Listening to (IPv4) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Remote access is disabled. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Added auto ServerAlias kwork.samba.testdomain >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Added auto ServerAlias kwork >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Using keychain "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" for server name "kwork.samba.testdomain". >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Configured for up to 100 clients. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Using policy "default" as the default. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Full reload is required. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Loaded MIME database from "/usr/share/cups/mime" and "/etc/cups": 78 types, 114 filters... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Loading printer Kyocera... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(P----) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] load_ppd: Loading /etc/cups/ppd/Kyocera.ppd... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] load_ppd: Saving /var/cache/cups/ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Kyocera: pdl='application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf' >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x559bc17fd690(Kyocera)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Queue Kyocera uses a printer driver, which is deprecated. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Loading printer KyoShare... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdDeregisterPrinter(p=0x559bc18ccc60(KyoShare), removeit=1) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(P----) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] load_ppd: Loading /etc/cups/ppd/KyoShare.ppd... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] load_ppd: Saving /var/cache/cups/ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] KyoShare: pdl='application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf' >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x559bc18ccc60(KyoShare)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Queue KyoShare uses a printer driver, which is deprecated. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Loading printer SharePantum... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdDeregisterPrinter(p=0x559bc18d75f0(SharePantum), removeit=1) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(P----) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] load_ppd: Loading /etc/cups/ppd/SharePantum.ppd... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] load_ppd: Saving /var/cache/cups/ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] SharePantum: pdl='application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf' >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x559bc18d75f0(SharePantum)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Queue SharePantum uses a printer driver, which is deprecated. >W [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Printer drivers are deprecated and will stop working in a future version of CUPS. See >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 1] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 2] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 3] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 4] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 5] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 6] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 7] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 8] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 9] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 10] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 11] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 12] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 13] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 14] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 15] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 16] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 17] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 18] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 19] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 20] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 21] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 22] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 23] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 25] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 26] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 27] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 28] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 28] Loading attributes... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 29] Loading from cache... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Job 29] Loading attributes... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdAddSubscription(mask=0, dest=(nil)(), job=(nil)(0), uri="(null)") >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdAddSubscription(mask=0, dest=(nil)(), job=(nil)(0), uri="(null)") >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Full reload complete. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdCleanFiles(path="/var/spool/cups/tmp", pattern="(null)") >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Cleaning out old files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdCleanFiles(path="/var/cache/cups", pattern="*.ipp") >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Cleaning out old files in "/var/cache/cups". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] service_checkin: pid=28091 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] service_checkin: 2 listeners. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] service_add_listener: Listener #1 at fd 3, "/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] service_add_listener: Adding new listener #1 for /run/cups/cups.sock. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] service_add_listener: Listener #2 at fd 4, "[v1.::]". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] service_add_listener: Adding new listener #2 for [v1.::]. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Creating KeepAlive/PID file "/var/cache/cups/org.cups.cupsd". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling FindDeviceById(cups-Kyocera) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] FindDeviceById failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.NotFound:device id \'cups-Kyocera\' does not exist >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Using profile ID "Kyocera-Gray..". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling CreateProfile(Kyocera-Gray..,temp) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Created profile "/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/profiles/Kyocera_Gray__". >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Registering ICC color profiles for "Kyocera". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling CreateDevice(cups-Kyocera,temp) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Created device "/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_Kyocera". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_Kyocera:AddProfile(/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/profiles/Kyocera_Gray__) [soft] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling FindDeviceById(cups-KyoShare) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] FindDeviceById failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.NotFound:device id \'cups-KyoShare\' does not exist >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Using profile ID "KyoShare-Gray..". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling CreateProfile(KyoShare-Gray..,temp) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Created profile "/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/profiles/KyoShare_Gray__". >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Registering ICC color profiles for "KyoShare". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling CreateDevice(cups-KyoShare,temp) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Created device "/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_KyoShare". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_KyoShare:AddProfile(/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/profiles/KyoShare_Gray__) [soft] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling FindDeviceById(cups-SharePantum) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] FindDeviceById failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.NotFound:device id \'cups-SharePantum\' does not exist >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Using profile ID "SharePantum-Gray..". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling CreateProfile(SharePantum-Gray..,temp) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Created profile "/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/profiles/SharePantum_Gray__". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Using profile ID "SharePantum-RGB..". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling CreateProfile(SharePantum-RGB..,temp) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Created profile "/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/profiles/SharePantum_RGB__". >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Registering ICC color profiles for "SharePantum". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling CreateDevice(cups-SharePantum,temp) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Created device "/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_SharePantum". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_SharePantum:AddProfile(/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/profiles/SharePantum_Gray__) [soft] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Calling /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_SharePantum:AddProfile(/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/profiles/SharePantum_RGB__) [soft] >E [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Unable to open listen socket for address [v1.::1]:631 - Address already in use. >E [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Unable to open listen socket for address - Address already in use. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Listening to /var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 11... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Listening to /run/cups/cups.sock on fd 3... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Listening to [v1.::]:631 on fd 4... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Resuming new connection processing... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdAddCert: Adding certificate for PID 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Notifier dbus started - PID = 28093 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Notifier dbus started - PID = 28094 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Report: clients=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Report: jobs=28 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Report: jobs-active=2 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Report: printers=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Report: stringpool-string-count=1422 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=11640 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=27680 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Notifier] Connected to D-BUS >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Notifier] ServerStarted >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:13 +0300] [Notifier] Connected to D-BUS >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:14 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:15 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:16 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:17 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Server address is "[v1.::1]". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Accepted from localhost:48402 (IPv6) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for request. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] GET /admin/?OP=redirect HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Read: status=200, state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Authorized as "Administrator" using Basic. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Processing GET /admin/?OP=redirect >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] argv[1] = "OP=redirect" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[7] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[8] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[9] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[10] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[11] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[12] = "USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[13] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[16] = "IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[17] = "AUTH_TYPE=Basic" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=ru_RU.UTF8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/admin/" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/doc/cups/admin/" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[27] = "REMOTE_USER=Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[28] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[29] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; Chromium GOST) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/admin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[32] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[33] = "QUERY_STRING=OP=redirect" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] cupsdAddCert: Adding certificate for PID 28097 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi (PID 28097) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=28097, file=20) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 2] Server address is "[v1.::1]". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 2] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 2] Accepted from localhost:48416 (IPv6) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 2] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] admin.cgi started... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 3] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 3] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 3] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 3] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] http=0x563fe588b7c0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"admin\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is \"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: OP=\"redirect\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] redirecting with prefix http://localhost:631! >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 3] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 3] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28097, file=20 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: Location: http://localhost:631/admin >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Sending status 303 for CGI. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdSendHeader: code=303, type="(null)", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] PID 28097 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] GET /admin HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Read: status=200, state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Authorized as "Administrator" using Basic. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Processing GET /admin >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[7] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[8] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[9] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[10] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[11] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[12] = "USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[13] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[16] = "IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[17] = "AUTH_TYPE=Basic" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=ru_RU.UTF8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/admin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/doc/cups/admin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[27] = "REMOTE_USER=Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[28] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[29] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; Chromium GOST) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/admin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[32] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] envp[33] = "QUERY_STRING=" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] cupsdAddCert: Adding certificate for PID 28099 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi (PID 28099) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=28099, file=20) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] admin.cgi started... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 4] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 4] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 4] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 4] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] http=0x55ee6b41f7c0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"admin\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is \"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] No form data, showing main menu... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEBUG_LOGGING=\"CHECKED\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: HAVE_GSSAPI=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: KERBEROS=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRESERVE_JOBS=\"CHECKED\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRESERVE_JOB_HISTORY=\"Yes\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRESERVE_JOB_FILES=\"1d\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: MAX_CLIENTS=\"100\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: MAX_JOBS=\"500\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: MAX_LOG_SIZE=\"1m\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE=\"ÐдминиÑÑÑиÑование\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28099, file=20 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Sending status 200 for CGI. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="(null)", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28099, file=20 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 4] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 4] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] PID 28099 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28099, file=20 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28099, file=20 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28099, file=20 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28099, file=20 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28099, file=20 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Sending 0-length chunk. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:19 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:20 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:21 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:22 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:23 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:24 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:25 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:26 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:27 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:28 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:29 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:30 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:31 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:32 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:33 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:34 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:35 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:36 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:37 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:38 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:39 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:40 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:41 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:42 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:43 +0300] Saving printers.conf... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:43 +0300] Saving subscriptions.conf... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:43 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Dirty files" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:43 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:44 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:45 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:46 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:47 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:48 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] POST /admin HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Authorized as "Administrator" using Basic. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[7] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[8] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[9] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[10] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[11] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[12] = "USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[13] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[16] = "IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[17] = "AUTH_TYPE=Basic" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=ru_RU.UTF8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/admin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/doc/cups/admin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[27] = "REMOTE_USER=Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[28] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[29] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; Chromium GOST) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/admin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[32] = "REQUEST_METHOD=POST" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[33] = "CONTENT_LENGTH=149" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] envp[34] = "CONTENT_TYPE=application/x-www-form-urlencoded" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] cupsdAddCert: Adding certificate for PID 28105 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi (PID 28105) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=28105, file=23) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] admin.cgi started... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 5] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 5] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 5] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 5] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] http=0x5639aa5d07c0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"admin\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is \"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: org.cups.sid=\"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: OP=\"config-server\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEBUG_LOGGING=\"on\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CHANGESETTINGS=\"Ð¡Ð¾Ñ ÑаниÑÑ\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] op=\"config-server\"... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] DefaultAuthType Basic >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: refresh_page=\"5;URL=/admin/?OP=redirect\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE=\"ÐзмениÑÑ Ð½Ð°ÑÑÑойки\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28105, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Sending status 200 for CGI. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="(null)", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28105, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 5] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 5] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] PID 28105 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28105, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28105, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28105, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Sending 0-length chunk. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:49 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Active clients" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:50 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:51 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] GET /admin HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Read: status=200, state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Authorized as "Administrator" using Basic. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Processing GET /admin >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[7] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[8] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[9] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[10] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[11] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[12] = "USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[13] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[16] = "IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[17] = "AUTH_TYPE=Basic" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=ru_RU.UTF8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/admin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/doc/cups/admin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[27] = "REMOTE_USER=Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[28] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[29] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; Chromium GOST) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/admin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[32] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] envp[33] = "QUERY_STRING=" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] cupsdAddCert: Adding certificate for PID 28108 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi (PID 28108) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=28108, file=23) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] admin.cgi started... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 6] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 6] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 6] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 6] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] http=0x564af63127c0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"admin\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is \"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] No form data, showing main menu... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEBUG_LOGGING=\"CHECKED\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: HAVE_GSSAPI=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: KERBEROS=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRESERVE_JOBS=\"CHECKED\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRESERVE_JOB_HISTORY=\"Yes\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRESERVE_JOB_FILES=\"1d\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: MAX_CLIENTS=\"100\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: MAX_JOBS=\"500\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: MAX_LOG_SIZE=\"1m\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE=\"ÐдминиÑÑÑиÑование\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28108, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Sending status 200 for CGI. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="(null)", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28108, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28108, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28108, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28108, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28108, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 6] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 6] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28108, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28108, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] PID 28108 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28108, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Sending 0-length chunk. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:52 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] GET /printers/ HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Read: status=200, state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Authorized as "Administrator" using Basic. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Processing GET /printers/ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[7] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[8] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[9] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[10] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[11] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[12] = "USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[13] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[16] = "IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[17] = "AUTH_TYPE=Basic" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=ru_RU.UTF8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/printers/" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/doc/cups/printers/" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[27] = "REMOTE_USER=Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[28] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[29] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; Chromium GOST) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/admin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[32] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] envp[33] = "QUERY_STRING=" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] cupsdAddCert: Adding certificate for PID 28111 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi (PID 28111) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=28111, file=23) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is \"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"printers\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] 2.0 CUPS-Get-Default 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] CUPS-Get-Default >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Content-Length: 160 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] con->http=0x559bc191b6b0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=160, response=0x559bc18d42c0(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=160 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_URI=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] show_all_printers(http=0x55924b3cbdf0, user=\"Administrator\") >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE=\"ÐÑинÑеÑÑ\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28111, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Sending status 200 for CGI. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="(null)", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28111, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28111, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28111, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] 2.0 CUPS-Get-Printers 2 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] CUPS-Get-Printers >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Content-Length: 852 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] con->http=0x559bc191b6b0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=852, response=0x559bc18da6d0(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=852 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TOTAL=\"3\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_state[0]=\"3\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_state_message[0]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: admin_uri[0]=\"/admin/\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_uri_supported[0]=\"/printers/Kyocera\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_name[0]=\"Kyocera\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_location[0]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_info[0]=\"Unknown\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_make_and_model[0]=\"Kyocera FS-2000D - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.3.4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_state[1]=\"3\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_state_message[1]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: admin_uri[1]=\"/admin/\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_uri_supported[1]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_name[1]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_location[1]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_info[1]=\"Windows Printer\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_make_and_model[1]=\"Kyocera FS-2000D - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.3.4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_state[2]=\"3\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_state_message[2]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: admin_uri[2]=\"/admin/\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_uri_supported[2]=\"/printers/SharePantum\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_name[2]=\"SharePantum\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_location[2]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_info[2]=\"Windows printer\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_make_and_model[2]=\"Generic PCL 6/PCL XL Printer Foomatic/pxlcolor (recommended)\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: THISURL=\"/printers/\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 7] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28111, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28111, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] PID 28111 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28111, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Sending 0-length chunk. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:01:53 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Active clients" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:54 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:55 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:56 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:57 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:58 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:01:59 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] GET /printers/KyoShare HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Read: status=200, state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Authorized as "Administrator" using Basic. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Processing GET /printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[7] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[8] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[9] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[10] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[11] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[12] = "USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[13] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[16] = "IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[17] = "AUTH_TYPE=Basic" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=ru_RU.UTF8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/doc/cups/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[27] = "PATH_INFO=/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[28] = "REMOTE_USER=Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[29] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; Chromium GOST) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[32] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/printers/" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[33] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] envp[34] = "QUERY_STRING=" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] cupsdAddCert: Adding certificate for PID 28115 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi (PID 28115) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=28115, file=23) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is \"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"printers\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] 2.0 CUPS-Get-Default 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] CUPS-Get-Default >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Content-Length: 160 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] con->http=0x559bc191b750 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=160, response=0x559bc17ee510(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=160 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_URI=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] show_printer(http=0x55879b5cee50, printer=\"KyoShare\") >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] 2.0 Get-Printer-Attributes 2 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] Get-Printer-Attributes ipp://localhost/printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Printer-Attributes (ipp://localhost/printers/KyoShare) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Content-Length: 661 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] con->http=0x559bc191b750 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=661, response=0x559bc190c6a0(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=661 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_is_accepting_jobs[0]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_is_shared[0]=\"0\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_state[0]=\"3\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: admin_uri[0]=\"/admin/\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_uri_supported[0]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_name[0]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_location[0]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_info[0]=\"Windows Printer\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_sheets_default[0]=\"none, none\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: device_uri[0]=\"smb://WIND.samba.testdomain/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: color_supported[0]=\"0\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_make_and_model[0]=\"Kyocera FS-2000D - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.3.4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: media_default[0]=\"iso_a4_210x297mm\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: sides_supported[0]=\"one-sided, two-sided-long-edge, two-sided-short-edge\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: sides_default[0]=\"one-sided\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_commands[0]=\"none\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] 2.0 Get-Jobs 3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Jobs (ipp://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Content-Length: 567 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: server_is_sharing_printers[0]=\"0\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] con->http=0x559bc191b750 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=567, response=0x559bc18dd580(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=567 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28115, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Sending status 200 for CGI. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="(null)", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28115, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] Regular expression \".*Clean.*\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28115, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] Regular expression \".*PrintSelfTestPage.*\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28115, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28115, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28115, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiClearVariables called. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"printers\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TOTAL=\"2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_name[0]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_uri[0]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_completed[0]=\"novalue\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_creation[0]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:53:22\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_processing[0]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:58:12\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_id[0]=\"28\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state[0]=\"4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_impressions_completed[0]=\"7\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_k_octets[0]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_state_message[0]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_name[1]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_uri[1]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_completed[1]=\"novalue\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_creation[1]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:57:38\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_processing[1]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:57:38\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_id[1]=\"29\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state[1]=\"4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_impressions_completed[1]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_k_octets[1]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_state_message[1]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_URI_SUPPORTED=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: THISURL=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SEARCH_DEST=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28115, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28115, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28115, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28115, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 8] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28115, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28115, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] PID 28115 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28115, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Sending 0-length chunk. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:00 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Active clients" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:01 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:02 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:03 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:04 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:05 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] POST /printers/KyoShare HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Authorized as "Administrator" using Basic. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[7] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[8] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[9] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[10] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[11] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[12] = "USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[13] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[16] = "IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[17] = "AUTH_TYPE=Basic" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=ru_RU.UTF8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/doc/cups/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[27] = "PATH_INFO=/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[28] = "REMOTE_USER=Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[29] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; Chromium GOST) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[32] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[33] = "REQUEST_METHOD=POST" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[34] = "CONTENT_LENGTH=64" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] envp[35] = "CONTENT_TYPE=application/x-www-form-urlencoded" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdAddCert: Adding certificate for PID 28118 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi (PID 28118) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=28118, file=24) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is \"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: org.cups.sid=\"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: OP=\"print-test-page\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"printers\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 9] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 9] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 9] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 9] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 9] POST /printers/KyoShare HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 9] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 9] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 9] 2.0 Print-Job 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] Print-Job ipp://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job ???] Auto-typing file... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job ???] Request file type is application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 9] Returning HTTP РдоÑÑÑпе оÑказано for Print-Job (ipp://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare) from localhost >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 9] cupsdSendHeader: code=401, type="text/html", auth_type=2 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 9] WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate, PeerCred, Local >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 9] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 9] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 10] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 10] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 10] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 10] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 10] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 10] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 11] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 11] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 11] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 11] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 11] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 11] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] POST /printers/KyoShare HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Authorized as Administrator using Local. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Read: status=100, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Read: status=100, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Read: status=100, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Read: status=100, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Read: status=100, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Read: status=100, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Read: status=100, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] 2.0 Print-Job 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Read: status=100, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] Print-Job ipp://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job ???] Auto-typing file... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job ???] Request file type is application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] add_job: setting context of job to UNKNOWN SL >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Applying default options... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] Adding default job-sheets values "none,none"... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Adding start banner page "none". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Adding end banner page "none". >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] File of type application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner queued by "Administrator". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] hold_until=0 >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Queued on "KyoShare" by "Administrator". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] time-at-processing=1682330526 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] 4 filters for job: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] bannertopdf (application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner to application/pdf, cost 32) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] pdftopdf (application/pdf to application/vnd.cups-pdf, cost 66) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] gstoraster (application/vnd.cups-pdf to application/vnd.cups-raster, cost 99) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] rastertogutenprint.5.3 (application/vnd.cups-raster to printer/KyoShare, cost 100) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] job-sheets=none,none >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] argv[0]="KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] argv[1]="30" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] argv[2]="Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] argv[3]="Test Page" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] argv[4]="1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:cc17b6ba-ec49-31b5-5942-ed0e993bf231 job-originating-host-name=localhost date-time-at-creation= date-time-at-processing= time-at-creation=1682330526 time-at-processing=1682330526" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00030-001" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[3]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[4]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[6]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[7]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[8]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[9]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[10]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[11]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[12]="USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[13]="CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[18]="LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/KyoShare.ppd" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[20]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[21]="DEVICE_URI=smb://WIND.samba.testdomain/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[22]="PRINTER_INFO=Windows Printer" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[23]="PRINTER_LOCATION=" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[24]="PRINTER=KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[25]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=none" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[26]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[27]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-raster" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[28]="AUTH_I****" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[29]="AUTH_U****" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[30]="AUTH_P****" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertopdf (PID 28119) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 28120) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster (PID 28121) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.3 (PID 28122) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb (PID 28123) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Returning IPP successful-ok for Print-Job (ipp://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Content-Length: 192 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] con->http=0x559bc191b7f0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=192, response=0x559bc19019f0(IPP_STATE_IDLE), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=192 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobCreated >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobState >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_uri[0]=\"/jobs/30\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_id[0]=\"30\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state[0]=\"3\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state_message[0]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state_reasons[0]=\"none\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: refresh_page=\"2;URL=/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE=\"ÐапеÑаÑаÑÑ Ð¿ÑобнÑÑ ÑÑÑаниÑÑ\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 12] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28118, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Sending status 200 for CGI. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="(null)", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28118, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28118, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28118, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] PID 28118 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28118, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Sending 0-length chunk. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] OUTFORMAT=\"<none>\", so output format will be CUPS/PWG Raster >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] PDF template file doesn\'t have form. It\'s okay. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] pdftopdf: Last filter determined by the PPD: rastertogutenprint.5.3; FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE: application/vnd.cups-raster => pdftopdf will not log pages in page_log. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] PID 28119 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertopdf) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] SMBSPOOL_KRB5 - AUTH_INFO_REQUIRED=negotiate >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] SMBSPOOL_KRB5 - Started with uid=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] SMBSPOOL_KRB5 - AUTH_UID is not set >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] ATTR: auth-info-required=negotiate >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] load_ppd: Loading /var/cache/cups/ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] KyoShare: pdl='application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf' >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x559bc18ccc60(KyoShare)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(P----) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] PID 28123 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/smb) stopped with status 2. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] PDF interactive form and annotation flattening done via QPDF >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] PID 28120 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Color Manager: Calibration Mode/Off >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Calling FindDeviceById(cups-KyoShare) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Found device /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Calling org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Device.Get(ProfilingInhibitors) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Calling FindDeviceById(cups-KyoShare) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Found device /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Calling GetProfileForQualifiers(Gray..301x300dpi...) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Found profile /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/profiles/KyoShare_Gray__ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Calling org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Profile.Get(Filename) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Failed to get profile filename for cups-KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Color Manager: ICC Profile: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Ghostscript using Any-Part-of-Pixel method to fill paths. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Ghostscript command line: /usr/bin/gs -dQUIET -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNOINTERPOLATE -dNOMEDIAATTRS -dShowAcroForm -sstdout=%stderr -sOutputFile=%stdout -sDEVICE=cups -sMediaClass=Standard -r300x300 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842 -dcupsBitsPerColor=8 -dcupsColorOrder=0 -dcupsColorSpace=0 -dcupsRowFeed=3 -scupsPageSizeName=A4 -I/usr/share/cups/fonts -c \'<</.HWMargins[18.000000 12.000000 18.000000 12.000000] /Margins[0 0]>>setpagedevice\' -f -_ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[0]=\"CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[1]=\"CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[2]=\"CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[3]=\"CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[4]=\"CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[5]=\"CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[6]=\"CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[7]=\"HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[8]=\"PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[9]=\"SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[10]=\"SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[11]=\"TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[12]=\"USER=root\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[13]=\"CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[14]=\"CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[15]=\"CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[16]=\"IPP_PORT=631\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[17]=\"CHARSET=utf-8\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[18]=\"LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[19]=\"PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/KyoShare.ppd\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[20]=\"CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[21]=\"DEVICE_URI=smb://WIND.samba.testdomain/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[22]=\"PRINTER_INFO=Windows Printer\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[23]=\"PRINTER_LOCATION=\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[24]=\"PRINTER=KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[25]=\"PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=none\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[26]=\"CUPS_FILETYPE=document\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[27]=\"FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-raster\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[28]=\"AUTH_INFO_REQUIRED=negotiate\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[29]=\"AUTH_USERNAME=Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] envp[30]=\"AUTH_PASSWORD=\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: ============================================================ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: 5.3.4 Starting >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: command line: KyoShare \'30\' \'Administrator\' \'Test Page\' \'1\' <args> >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: using PPD file /etc/cups/ppd/KyoShare.ppd >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: CUPS option count is 6 (196 bytes) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: CUPS option 0 date-time-at-creation = >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: CUPS option 1 date-time-at-processing = >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: CUPS option 2 job-originating-host-name = localhost >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: CUPS option 3 job-uuid = urn:uuid:cc17b6ba-ec49-31b5-5942-ed0e993bf231 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: CUPS option 4 time-at-creation = 1682330526 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: CUPS option 5 time-at-processing = 1682330526 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Driver Kyocera FS-2000D >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Using fd 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set options: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set string DitherAlgorithm to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set special string DitherAlgorithm to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting PageSize to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting MediaType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting InputSlot to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set string Quality to Standard >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set special string Quality to Standard >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting Resolution to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting InkType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting InkChannels to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting PrintingMode to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting Duplex to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting Orientation to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting LabelSeparator to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting Darkness to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting NativeCopies to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set string ColorCorrection to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set special string ColorCorrection to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting ChannelBitDepth to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting InputImageType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting STPIOutputType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting STPIRawChannels to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting SimpleGamma to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set bool LinearContrast to False (0) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting LUTDumpFile to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CyanCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting MagentaCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting YellowCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting BlackCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting RedCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting GreenCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting BlueCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting WhiteCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting HueMap to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting SatMap to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting LumMap to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting GCRCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh0 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh1 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh2 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh3 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh4 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh5 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh6 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh7 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh8 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh9 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh10 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh11 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh12 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh13 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh14 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh15 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh16 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh17 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh18 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh19 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh20 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh21 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh22 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh23 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh24 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh25 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh26 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh27 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh28 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh29 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh30 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh31 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh32 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh33 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh34 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh35 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh36 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh37 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh38 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh39 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh40 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh41 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh42 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh43 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh44 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh45 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh46 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh47 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh48 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh49 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh50 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh51 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh52 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh53 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh54 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh55 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh56 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh57 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh58 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh59 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh60 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh61 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh62 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh63 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set string ImageType to TextGraphics >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set special string ImageType to TextGraphics >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting JobMode to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting PageNumber to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting NumCopies to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Not setting Collate to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: End options >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Start rendering... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Set job-printer-state-message to "Start rendering...", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Processing page 1... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Set job-printer-state-message to "Processing page 1...", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: About to start printing loop. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: ================ Printing page 1 ================ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] PAGE: 1 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Initialize page >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set special string ChannelBitDepth to 8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set special string PrintingMode to BW >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set special string InputImageType to Whitescale >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Clear special parameter Resolution >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set special parameter Quality to choice 2 (Standard) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set special string InputSlot to Standard >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: PageSize = 595x842 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Using page size A4 with (842, 595) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set special string PageSize to A4 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Set special string JobMode to Job >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Validating options >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Clearing string MediaType ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Clearing string Resolution ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Setting default string Resolution to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Clearing string InkType ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Clearing string Orientation ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Clearing string LabelSeparator ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Clearing string STPIOutputType ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Setting default string STPIOutputType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Done validating options >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: limits w 595,000 l 18,000 r 577,000 h 842,000 t 12,000 b 830,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: max limits l 18,000 r 577,000 t 12,000 b 830,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Adjusting left margin from 18,000 to 18,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Adjusting right margin from 577,000 to 577,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Adjusting top margin from 12,000 to 12,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Adjusting bottom margin from 830,000 to 830,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: CUPS settings w 2329 l 75 r 75 h 3408 t 50 b 50 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: adjusted w 2329 h 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: End initialize page >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Interim page settings: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: === BEGIN GUTENPRINT SETTINGS === >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Driver: kyocera-fs-2000d >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: L: 18,000000 T: 12,000000 W: 559,000000 H: 818,000000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Page: 595,000000x842,000000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Conversion: traditional >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (DitherAlgorithm) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (PageSize) (2) (String) [A4] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (InputSlot) (2) (String) [Standard] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Quality) (2) (String) [Standard] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (PrintingMode) (2) (String) [BW] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Duplex) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (ColorCorrection) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (ChannelBitDepth) (2) (String) [8] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (InputImageType) (2) (String) [Whitescale] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (ImageType) (2) (String) [TextGraphics] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (JobMode) (2) (String) [Job] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Resolution) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (STPIRawChannels) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (PageNumber) (2) (Int) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (NumCopies) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (CUPSShrinkPage) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (NativeCopies) (2) (Bool) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (LinearContrast) (2) (Bool) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Collate) (2) (Bool) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (HorizOffset) (2) (Double) [0,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (VertOffset) (2) (Double) [0,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Brightness) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Contrast) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Saturation) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (AppGamma) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: === END GUTENPRINT SETTINGS === >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Page data: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: MediaClass = \"Standard\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: MediaColor = \"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: MediaType = \"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: OutputType = \"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: AdvanceDistance = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: AdvanceMedia = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Collate = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: CutMedia = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Duplex = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: HWResolution = [ 300 300 ] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: ImagingBoundingBox = [ 18 12 577 830 ] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: InsertSheet = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Jog = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: LeadingEdge = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Margins = [ 18 12 ] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: ManualFeed = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: MediaPosition = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: MediaWeight = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: MirrorPrint = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: NegativePrint = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: NumCopies = 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Orientation = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: OutputFaceUp = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: PageSize = [ 595 842 ] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Separations = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: TraySwitch = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Tumble = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cupsWidth = 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cupsHeight = 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cups->width = 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cups->height = 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cups->adjusted_width = 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cups->adjusted_height = 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cupsMediaType = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cupsBitsPerColor = 8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cupsBitsPerPixel = 8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cupsBytesPerLine = 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cupsColorOrder = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cupsColorSpace = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cupsCompression = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cupsRowCount = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cupsRowFeed = 3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: cupsRowStep = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: shrink page to fit 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: === BEGIN GUTENPRINT SETTINGS === >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Driver: kyocera-fs-2000d >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: L: 18,000000 T: 12,000000 W: 559,000000 H: 818,000000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Page: 595,000000x842,000000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Conversion: traditional >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (DitherAlgorithm) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (PageSize) (2) (String) [A4] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (InputSlot) (2) (String) [Standard] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Quality) (2) (String) [Standard] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (PrintingMode) (2) (String) [BW] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Duplex) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (ColorCorrection) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (ChannelBitDepth) (2) (String) [8] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (InputImageType) (2) (String) [Whitescale] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (ImageType) (2) (String) [TextGraphics] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (JobMode) (2) (String) [Job] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Resolution) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (STPIRawChannels) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (PageNumber) (2) (Int) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (NumCopies) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (CUPSShrinkPage) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (NativeCopies) (2) (Bool) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (LinearContrast) (2) (Bool) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Collate) (2) (Bool) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (HorizOffset) (2) (Double) [0,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (VertOffset) (2) (Double) [0,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Brightness) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Contrast) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Saturation) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (AppGamma) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Density) (1) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: (Gamma) (1) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: === END GUTENPRINT SETTINGS === >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: End page data >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Starting page 1... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Set job-printer-state-message to "Starting page 1...", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Image_height 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Image_height 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Image_width 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Image_width 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Image_width 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Gutenprint: Image_width 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Printing page 1, 1% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 1%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] ATTR: job-media-progress=1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Printing page 1, 2% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 2%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] ATTR: job-media-progress=2 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Printing page 1, 3% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 3%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] ATTR: job-media-progress=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Printing page 1, 4% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 4%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] ATTR: job-media-progress=4 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Printing page 1, 5% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 5%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] ATTR: job-media-progress=5 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Printing page 1, 6% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 6%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] ATTR: job-media-progress=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:06 +0300] [Job 30] PID 28122 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.3) did not catch or ignore signal 13. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Job 30] Processing page 2... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Job 30] Set job-printer-state-message to "Processing page 2...", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Job 30] Rendering completed >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Job 30] Set job-printer-state-message to "Rendering completed", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Job 30] PID 28121 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster) exited with no errors. >W [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Job 30] Backend returned status 2 (authentication required) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Job 30] Job held for authentication. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] JobState >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] GET /printers/KyoShare HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Read: status=200, state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Authorized as "Administrator" using Basic. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Processing GET /printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[7] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[8] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[9] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[10] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[11] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[12] = "USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[13] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[16] = "IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[17] = "AUTH_TYPE=Basic" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=ru_RU.UTF8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/doc/cups/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[27] = "PATH_INFO=/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[28] = "REMOTE_USER=Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[29] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; Chromium GOST) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[32] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[33] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] envp[34] = "QUERY_STRING=" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdAddCert: Adding certificate for PID 28127 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi (PID 28127) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=28127, file=23) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is \"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"printers\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] 2.0 CUPS-Get-Default 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] CUPS-Get-Default >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Content-Length: 160 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] con->http=0x559bc1929100 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=160, response=0x559bc18ede80(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=160 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_URI=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] show_printer(http=0x55c9f1412e50, printer=\"KyoShare\") >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] 2.0 Get-Printer-Attributes 2 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] Get-Printer-Attributes ipp://localhost/printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Printer-Attributes (ipp://localhost/printers/KyoShare) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Content-Length: 661 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] con->http=0x559bc1929100 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=661, response=0x559bc190bc10(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=661 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_is_accepting_jobs[0]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_is_shared[0]=\"0\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_state[0]=\"3\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: admin_uri[0]=\"/admin/\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_uri_supported[0]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_name[0]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_location[0]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_info[0]=\"Windows Printer\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_sheets_default[0]=\"none, none\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: device_uri[0]=\"smb://WIND.samba.testdomain/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: color_supported[0]=\"0\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_make_and_model[0]=\"Kyocera FS-2000D - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.3.4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: media_default[0]=\"iso_a4_210x297mm\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: sides_supported[0]=\"one-sided, two-sided-long-edge, two-sided-short-edge\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: sides_default[0]=\"one-sided\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_commands[0]=\"none\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: server_is_sharing_printers[0]=\"0\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28127, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Sending status 200 for CGI. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="(null)", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28127, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] 2.0 Get-Jobs 3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Jobs (ipp://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Content-Length: 813 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] Regular expression \".*Clean.*\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] Regular expression \".*PrintSelfTestPage.*\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] con->http=0x559bc1929100 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=813, response=0x559bc1929010(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=813 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28127, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28127, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiClearVariables called. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"printers\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TOTAL=\"3\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_name[0]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_uri[0]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_completed[0]=\"novalue\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_creation[0]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:53:22\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_processing[0]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:58:12\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_id[0]=\"28\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state[0]=\"4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_impressions_completed[0]=\"7\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28127, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_k_octets[0]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_state_message[0]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_name[1]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_uri[1]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_completed[1]=\"novalue\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_creation[1]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:57:38\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_processing[1]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:57:38\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_id[1]=\"29\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state[1]=\"4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_impressions_completed[1]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_k_octets[1]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_state_message[1]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_name[2]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_uri[2]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_completed[2]=\"novalue\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_creation[2]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 13:02:06\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_processing[2]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 13:02:06\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_id[2]=\"30\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28127, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state[2]=\"4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_impressions_completed[2]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_k_octets[2]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_state_message[2]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_URI_SUPPORTED=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: THISURL=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SEARCH_DEST=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28127, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28127, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28127, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28127, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 13] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28127, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28127, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28127, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Sending 0-length chunk. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:07 +0300] PID 28127 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi) exited with no errors. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:08 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:09 +0300] [Client 1] POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:09 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:09 +0300] [Client 1] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Authorized as "Administrator" using Basic. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[7] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[8] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[9] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[10] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[11] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[12] = "USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[13] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[16] = "IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[17] = "AUTH_TYPE=Basic" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=ru_RU.UTF8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/jobs/" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/doc/cups/jobs/" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[27] = "REMOTE_USER=Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[28] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[29] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; Chromium GOST) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[32] = "REQUEST_METHOD=POST" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[33] = "CONTENT_LENGTH=109" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] envp[34] = "CONTENT_TYPE=application/x-www-form-urlencoded" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdAddCert: Adding certificate for PID 28130 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi (PID 28130) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=28130, file=24) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is \"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: org.cups.sid=\"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: OP=\"release-job\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: job_id=\"28\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: job_printer_uri=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"jobs\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] POST /jobs HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] 2.0 Release-Job 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] Release-Job ipp://localhost/jobs/28 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Job released by user. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Released by "Administrator". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] time-at-processing=1682330530 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] 4 filters for job: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] bannertopdf (application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner to application/pdf, cost 32) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] pdftopdf (application/pdf to application/vnd.cups-pdf, cost 66) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] gstoraster (application/vnd.cups-pdf to application/vnd.cups-raster, cost 99) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] rastertogutenprint.5.3 (application/vnd.cups-raster to printer/KyoShare, cost 100) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] job-sheets=none,none >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] argv[0]="KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] argv[1]="28" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] argv[2]="Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] argv[3]="Test Page" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] argv[4]="1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:4d54ecf9-c229-30ac-57d4-abad8f30f828 job-originating-host-name=localhost date-time-at-creation= date-time-at-processing= time-at-creation=1682330002 time-at-processing=1682330530" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00028-001" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[3]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[4]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[6]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[7]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[8]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[9]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[10]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[11]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[12]="USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[13]="CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[18]="LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/KyoShare.ppd" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[20]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[21]="DEVICE_URI=smb://WIND.samba.testdomain/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[22]="PRINTER_INFO=Windows Printer" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[23]="PRINTER_LOCATION=" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[24]="PRINTER=KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[25]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=none" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[26]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[27]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-raster" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[28]="AUTH_I****" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[29]="AUTH_U****" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[30]="AUTH_P****" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertopdf (PID 28131) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 28132) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster (PID 28133) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.3 (PID 28134) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb (PID 28135) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] Returning IPP successful-ok for Release-Job (ipp://localhost/jobs/28) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] Content-Length: 75 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] con->http=0x559bc19291a0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=75, response=0x559bc18d42c0(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=75 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobConfigChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobState >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobState >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobState >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: refresh_page=\"5;URL=http://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] OUTFORMAT=\"<none>\", so output format will be CUPS/PWG Raster >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE=\"ÐаданиÑ\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28130, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Sending status 200 for CGI. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="(null)", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28130, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] pdftopdf: Last filter determined by the PPD: rastertogutenprint.5.3; FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE: application/vnd.cups-raster => pdftopdf will not log pages in page_log. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28130, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28130, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28130, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28130, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28130, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28130, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28130, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28130, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 14] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28130, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Sending 0-length chunk. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] PID 28130 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] PDF template file doesn\'t have form. It\'s okay. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] SMBSPOOL_KRB5 - AUTH_INFO_REQUIRED=negotiate >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] SMBSPOOL_KRB5 - Started with uid=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] SMBSPOOL_KRB5 - AUTH_UID is not set >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: auth-info-required=negotiate >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] load_ppd: Loading /var/cache/cups/ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] KyoShare: pdl='application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf' >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x559bc18ccc60(KyoShare)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(P----) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] PID 28135 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/smb) stopped with status 2. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] PDF interactive form and annotation flattening done via QPDF >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] PID 28131 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertopdf) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] PID 28132 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Color Manager: Calibration Mode/Off >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Calling FindDeviceById(cups-KyoShare) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Found device /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Calling org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Device.Get(ProfilingInhibitors) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Calling FindDeviceById(cups-KyoShare) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Found device /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Calling GetProfileForQualifiers(Gray..301x300dpi...) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Found profile /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/profiles/KyoShare_Gray__ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Calling org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Profile.Get(Filename) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Failed to get profile filename for cups-KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Color Manager: ICC Profile: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Ghostscript using Any-Part-of-Pixel method to fill paths. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Ghostscript command line: /usr/bin/gs -dQUIET -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNOINTERPOLATE -dNOMEDIAATTRS -dShowAcroForm -sstdout=%stderr -sOutputFile=%stdout -sDEVICE=cups -sMediaClass=Standard -r300x300 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842 -dcupsBitsPerColor=8 -dcupsColorOrder=0 -dcupsColorSpace=0 -dcupsRowFeed=3 -scupsPageSizeName=A4 -I/usr/share/cups/fonts -c \'<</.HWMargins[18.000000 12.000000 18.000000 12.000000] /Margins[0 0]>>setpagedevice\' -f -_ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[0]=\"CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[1]=\"CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[2]=\"CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[3]=\"CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[4]=\"CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[5]=\"CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[6]=\"CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[7]=\"HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[8]=\"PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[9]=\"SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[10]=\"SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[11]=\"TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[12]=\"USER=root\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[13]=\"CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[14]=\"CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[15]=\"CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[16]=\"IPP_PORT=631\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[17]=\"CHARSET=utf-8\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[18]=\"LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[19]=\"PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/KyoShare.ppd\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[20]=\"CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[21]=\"DEVICE_URI=smb://WIND.samba.testdomain/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[22]=\"PRINTER_INFO=Windows Printer\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[23]=\"PRINTER_LOCATION=\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[24]=\"PRINTER=KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[25]=\"PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=none\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[26]=\"CUPS_FILETYPE=document\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[27]=\"FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-raster\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[28]=\"AUTH_INFO_REQUIRED=negotiate\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[29]=\"AUTH_USERNAME=Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] envp[30]=\"AUTH_PASSWORD=Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: ============================================================ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: 5.3.4 Starting >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: command line: KyoShare \'28\' \'Administrator\' \'Test Page\' \'1\' <args> >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: using PPD file /etc/cups/ppd/KyoShare.ppd >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option count is 6 (196 bytes) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option 0 date-time-at-creation = >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option 1 date-time-at-processing = >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option 2 job-originating-host-name = localhost >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option 3 job-uuid = urn:uuid:4d54ecf9-c229-30ac-57d4-abad8f30f828 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option 4 time-at-creation = 1682330002 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option 5 time-at-processing = 1682330530 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Driver Kyocera FS-2000D >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Using fd 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set options: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set string DitherAlgorithm to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string DitherAlgorithm to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting PageSize to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting MediaType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting InputSlot to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set string Quality to Standard >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string Quality to Standard >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting Resolution to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting InkType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting InkChannels to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting PrintingMode to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting Duplex to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting Orientation to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting LabelSeparator to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting Darkness to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting NativeCopies to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set string ColorCorrection to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string ColorCorrection to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting ChannelBitDepth to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting InputImageType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting STPIOutputType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting STPIRawChannels to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting SimpleGamma to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set bool LinearContrast to False (0) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting LUTDumpFile to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CyanCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting MagentaCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting YellowCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting BlackCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting RedCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting GreenCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting BlueCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting WhiteCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting HueMap to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting SatMap to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting LumMap to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting GCRCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh0 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh1 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh2 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh3 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh4 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh5 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh6 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh7 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh8 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh9 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh10 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh11 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh12 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh13 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh14 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh15 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh16 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh17 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh18 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh19 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh20 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh21 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh22 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh23 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh24 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh25 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh26 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh27 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh28 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh29 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh30 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh31 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh32 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh33 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh34 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh35 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh36 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh37 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh38 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh39 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh40 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh41 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh42 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh43 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh44 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh45 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh46 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh47 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh48 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh49 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh50 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh51 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh52 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh53 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh54 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh55 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh56 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh57 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh58 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh59 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh60 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh61 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh62 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh63 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set string ImageType to TextGraphics >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string ImageType to TextGraphics >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting JobMode to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting PageNumber to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting NumCopies to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting Collate to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: End options >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Start rendering... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Start rendering...", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Processing page 1... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Processing page 1...", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: About to start printing loop. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: ================ Printing page 1 ================ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] PAGE: 1 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Initialize page >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string ChannelBitDepth to 8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string PrintingMode to BW >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string InputImageType to Whitescale >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clear special parameter Resolution >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special parameter Quality to choice 2 (Standard) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string InputSlot to Standard >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: PageSize = 595x842 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Using page size A4 with (842, 595) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string PageSize to A4 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string JobMode to Job >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Validating options >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clearing string MediaType ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clearing string Resolution ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Setting default string Resolution to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clearing string InkType ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clearing string Orientation ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clearing string LabelSeparator ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clearing string STPIOutputType ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Setting default string STPIOutputType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Done validating options >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: limits w 595,000 l 18,000 r 577,000 h 842,000 t 12,000 b 830,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: max limits l 18,000 r 577,000 t 12,000 b 830,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Adjusting left margin from 18,000 to 18,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Adjusting right margin from 577,000 to 577,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Adjusting top margin from 12,000 to 12,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Adjusting bottom margin from 830,000 to 830,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS settings w 2329 l 75 r 75 h 3408 t 50 b 50 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: adjusted w 2329 h 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: End initialize page >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Interim page settings: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: === BEGIN GUTENPRINT SETTINGS === >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Driver: kyocera-fs-2000d >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: L: 18,000000 T: 12,000000 W: 559,000000 H: 818,000000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Page: 595,000000x842,000000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Conversion: traditional >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (DitherAlgorithm) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (PageSize) (2) (String) [A4] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (InputSlot) (2) (String) [Standard] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Quality) (2) (String) [Standard] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (PrintingMode) (2) (String) [BW] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Duplex) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (ColorCorrection) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (ChannelBitDepth) (2) (String) [8] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (InputImageType) (2) (String) [Whitescale] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (ImageType) (2) (String) [TextGraphics] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (JobMode) (2) (String) [Job] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Resolution) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (STPIRawChannels) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (PageNumber) (2) (Int) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (NumCopies) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (CUPSShrinkPage) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (NativeCopies) (2) (Bool) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (LinearContrast) (2) (Bool) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Collate) (2) (Bool) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (HorizOffset) (2) (Double) [0,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (VertOffset) (2) (Double) [0,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Brightness) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Contrast) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Saturation) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (AppGamma) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: === END GUTENPRINT SETTINGS === >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Page data: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: MediaClass = \"Standard\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: MediaColor = \"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: MediaType = \"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: OutputType = \"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: AdvanceDistance = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: AdvanceMedia = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Collate = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CutMedia = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Duplex = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: HWResolution = [ 300 300 ] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: ImagingBoundingBox = [ 18 12 577 830 ] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: InsertSheet = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Jog = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: LeadingEdge = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Margins = [ 18 12 ] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: ManualFeed = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: MediaPosition = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: MediaWeight = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: MirrorPrint = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: NegativePrint = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: NumCopies = 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Orientation = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: OutputFaceUp = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: PageSize = [ 595 842 ] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Separations = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: TraySwitch = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Tumble = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsWidth = 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsHeight = 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cups->width = 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cups->height = 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cups->adjusted_width = 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cups->adjusted_height = 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsMediaType = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsBitsPerColor = 8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsBitsPerPixel = 8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsBytesPerLine = 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsColorOrder = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsColorSpace = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsCompression = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsRowCount = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsRowFeed = 3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsRowStep = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: shrink page to fit 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: === BEGIN GUTENPRINT SETTINGS === >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Driver: kyocera-fs-2000d >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: L: 18,000000 T: 12,000000 W: 559,000000 H: 818,000000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Page: 595,000000x842,000000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Conversion: traditional >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (DitherAlgorithm) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (PageSize) (2) (String) [A4] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (InputSlot) (2) (String) [Standard] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Quality) (2) (String) [Standard] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (PrintingMode) (2) (String) [BW] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Duplex) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (ColorCorrection) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (ChannelBitDepth) (2) (String) [8] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (InputImageType) (2) (String) [Whitescale] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (ImageType) (2) (String) [TextGraphics] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (JobMode) (2) (String) [Job] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Resolution) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (STPIRawChannels) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (PageNumber) (2) (Int) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (NumCopies) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (CUPSShrinkPage) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (NativeCopies) (2) (Bool) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (LinearContrast) (2) (Bool) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Collate) (2) (Bool) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (HorizOffset) (2) (Double) [0,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (VertOffset) (2) (Double) [0,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Brightness) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Contrast) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Saturation) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (AppGamma) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Density) (1) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Gamma) (1) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: === END GUTENPRINT SETTINGS === >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: End page data >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Starting page 1... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Starting page 1...", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Image_height 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Image_height 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Image_width 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Image_width 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Image_width 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Image_width 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Printing page 1, 1% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 1%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: job-media-progress=1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Printing page 1, 2% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 2%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: job-media-progress=2 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Printing page 1, 3% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 3%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: job-media-progress=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Printing page 1, 4% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 4%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: job-media-progress=4 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Printing page 1, 5% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 5%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: job-media-progress=5 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Printing page 1, 6% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 6%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: job-media-progress=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] PID 28134 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.3) did not catch or ignore signal 13. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Processing page 2... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Processing page 2...", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Rendering completed >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Rendering completed", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] PID 28133 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster) exited with no errors. >W [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Backend returned status 2 (authentication required) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Job 28] Job held for authentication. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] JobState >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:10 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] GET /printers/KyoShare HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Read: status=200, state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Authorized as "Administrator" using Basic. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Processing GET /printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[7] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[8] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[9] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[10] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[11] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[12] = "USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[13] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[16] = "IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[17] = "AUTH_TYPE=Basic" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=ru_RU.UTF8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/doc/cups/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[27] = "PATH_INFO=/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[28] = "REMOTE_USER=Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[29] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; Chromium GOST) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[32] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/jobs/" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[33] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] envp[34] = "QUERY_STRING=" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] cupsdAddCert: Adding certificate for PID 28140 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi (PID 28140) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=28140, file=23) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is \"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"printers\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] 2.0 CUPS-Get-Default 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] CUPS-Get-Default >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Content-Length: 160 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] con->http=0x559bc193c2b0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=160, response=0x559bc18fdb10(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=160 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_URI=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] show_printer(http=0x556914a8de50, printer=\"KyoShare\") >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] 2.0 Get-Printer-Attributes 2 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] Get-Printer-Attributes ipp://localhost/printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Printer-Attributes (ipp://localhost/printers/KyoShare) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Content-Length: 661 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] con->http=0x559bc193c2b0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=661, response=0x559bc17e9430(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=661 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_is_accepting_jobs[0]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_is_shared[0]=\"0\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_state[0]=\"3\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: admin_uri[0]=\"/admin/\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_uri_supported[0]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_name[0]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_location[0]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_info[0]=\"Windows Printer\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_sheets_default[0]=\"none, none\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: device_uri[0]=\"smb://WIND.samba.testdomain/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: color_supported[0]=\"0\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_make_and_model[0]=\"Kyocera FS-2000D - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.3.4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: media_default[0]=\"iso_a4_210x297mm\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: sides_supported[0]=\"one-sided, two-sided-long-edge, two-sided-short-edge\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: sides_default[0]=\"one-sided\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_commands[0]=\"none\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: server_is_sharing_printers[0]=\"0\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Sending status 200 for CGI. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="(null)", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] Regular expression \".*Clean.*\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] Regular expression \".*PrintSelfTestPage.*\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] 2.0 Get-Jobs 3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Jobs (ipp://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Content-Length: 813 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] con->http=0x559bc193c2b0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=813, response=0x559bc1921640(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=813 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiClearVariables called. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"printers\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TOTAL=\"3\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_name[0]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_uri[0]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_completed[0]=\"novalue\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_creation[0]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:53:22\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_processing[0]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 13:02:10\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_id[0]=\"28\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state[0]=\"4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_impressions_completed[0]=\"8\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_k_octets[0]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_state_message[0]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_name[1]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_uri[1]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_completed[1]=\"novalue\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_creation[1]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:57:38\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_processing[1]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:57:38\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_id[1]=\"29\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state[1]=\"4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_impressions_completed[1]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_k_octets[1]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_state_message[1]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_name[2]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_uri[2]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_completed[2]=\"novalue\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_creation[2]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 13:02:06\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_processing[2]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 13:02:06\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_id[2]=\"30\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state[2]=\"4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_impressions_completed[2]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_k_octets[2]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_state_message[2]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_URI_SUPPORTED=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: THISURL=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SEARCH_DEST=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 15] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28140, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Sending 0-length chunk. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:11 +0300] PID 28140 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi) exited with no errors. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:12 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:12 +0300] [Client 1] POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:12 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:12 +0300] [Client 1] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Authorized as "Administrator" using Basic. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[7] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[8] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[9] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[10] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[11] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[12] = "USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[13] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[16] = "IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[17] = "AUTH_TYPE=Basic" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=ru_RU.UTF8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/jobs/" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/doc/cups/jobs/" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[27] = "REMOTE_USER=Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[28] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[29] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; Chromium GOST) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[32] = "REQUEST_METHOD=POST" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[33] = "CONTENT_LENGTH=109" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] envp[34] = "CONTENT_TYPE=application/x-www-form-urlencoded" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdAddCert: Adding certificate for PID 28144 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi (PID 28144) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi" (pid=28144, file=24) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] Report: clients=2 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] Report: jobs=29 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] Report: jobs-active=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] Report: printers=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] Report: stringpool-string-count=4670 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=13336 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=94360 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is \"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: org.cups.sid=\"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: OP=\"release-job\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: job_id=\"28\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: job_printer_uri=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"jobs\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] POST /jobs HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] 2.0 Release-Job 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] Release-Job ipp://localhost/jobs/28 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Job released by user. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Released by "Administrator". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] time-at-processing=1682330533 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] 4 filters for job: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] bannertopdf (application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner to application/pdf, cost 32) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] pdftopdf (application/pdf to application/vnd.cups-pdf, cost 66) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] gstoraster (application/vnd.cups-pdf to application/vnd.cups-raster, cost 99) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] rastertogutenprint.5.3 (application/vnd.cups-raster to printer/KyoShare, cost 100) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] job-sheets=none,none >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] argv[0]="KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] argv[1]="28" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] argv[2]="Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] argv[3]="Test Page" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] argv[4]="1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:4d54ecf9-c229-30ac-57d4-abad8f30f828 job-originating-host-name=localhost date-time-at-creation= date-time-at-processing= time-at-creation=1682330002 time-at-processing=1682330533" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00028-001" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[3]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[4]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[6]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[7]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[8]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[9]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[10]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[11]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[12]="USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[13]="CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[18]="LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/KyoShare.ppd" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[20]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[21]="DEVICE_URI=smb://WIND.samba.testdomain/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[22]="PRINTER_INFO=Windows Printer" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[23]="PRINTER_LOCATION=" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[24]="PRINTER=KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[25]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=none" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[26]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[27]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-raster" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[28]="AUTH_I****" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[29]="AUTH_U****" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[30]="AUTH_P****" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertopdf (PID 28145) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 28146) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster (PID 28147) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.3 (PID 28148) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb (PID 28149) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] Returning IPP successful-ok for Release-Job (ipp://localhost/jobs/28) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] Content-Length: 75 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] con->http=0x559bc193d520 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=75, response=0x559bc1930c90(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=75 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobConfigChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobState >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobState >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: refresh_page=\"5;URL=http://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobState >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE=\"ÐаданиÑ\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28144, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Sending status 200 for CGI. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="(null)", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28144, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] SMBSPOOL_KRB5 - AUTH_INFO_REQUIRED=negotiate >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] SMBSPOOL_KRB5 - Started with uid=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] SMBSPOOL_KRB5 - AUTH_UID is not set >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: auth-info-required=negotiate >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] load_ppd: Loading /var/cache/cups/ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] KyoShare: pdl='application/pdf,application/postscript,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/urf' >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdRegisterPrinter(p=0x559bc18ccc60(KyoShare)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(P----) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] PID 28149 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/smb) stopped with status 2. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 16] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28144, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] PID 28144 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28144, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28144, file=24 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Sending 0-length chunk. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] OUTFORMAT=\"<none>\", so output format will be CUPS/PWG Raster >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] pdftopdf: Last filter determined by the PPD: rastertogutenprint.5.3; FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE: application/vnd.cups-raster => pdftopdf will not log pages in page_log. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] PDF template file doesn\'t have form. It\'s okay. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] PID 28145 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertopdf) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] PDF interactive form and annotation flattening done via QPDF >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Color Manager: Calibration Mode/Off >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] PID 28146 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Calling FindDeviceById(cups-KyoShare) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Found device /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Calling org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Device.Get(ProfilingInhibitors) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Calling FindDeviceById(cups-KyoShare) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Found device /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/cups_KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Calling GetProfileForQualifiers(Gray..301x300dpi...) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Found profile /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/profiles/KyoShare_Gray__ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Calling org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Profile.Get(Filename) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Failed to get profile filename for cups-KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Color Manager: ICC Profile: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Ghostscript using Any-Part-of-Pixel method to fill paths. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Ghostscript command line: /usr/bin/gs -dQUIET -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNOINTERPOLATE -dNOMEDIAATTRS -dShowAcroForm -sstdout=%stderr -sOutputFile=%stdout -sDEVICE=cups -sMediaClass=Standard -r300x300 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842 -dcupsBitsPerColor=8 -dcupsColorOrder=0 -dcupsColorSpace=0 -dcupsRowFeed=3 -scupsPageSizeName=A4 -I/usr/share/cups/fonts -c \'<</.HWMargins[18.000000 12.000000 18.000000 12.000000] /Margins[0 0]>>setpagedevice\' -f -_ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[0]=\"CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[1]=\"CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[2]=\"CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[3]=\"CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[4]=\"CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[5]=\"CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[6]=\"CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[7]=\"HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[8]=\"PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[9]=\"SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[10]=\"SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[11]=\"TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[12]=\"USER=root\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[13]=\"CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[14]=\"CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[15]=\"CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[16]=\"IPP_PORT=631\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[17]=\"CHARSET=utf-8\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[18]=\"LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[19]=\"PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/KyoShare.ppd\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[20]=\"CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[21]=\"DEVICE_URI=smb://WIND.samba.testdomain/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[22]=\"PRINTER_INFO=Windows Printer\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[23]=\"PRINTER_LOCATION=\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[24]=\"PRINTER=KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[25]=\"PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=none\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[26]=\"CUPS_FILETYPE=document\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[27]=\"FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-raster\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[28]=\"AUTH_INFO_REQUIRED=negotiate\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[29]=\"AUTH_USERNAME=Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] envp[30]=\"AUTH_PASSWORD=Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: ============================================================ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: 5.3.4 Starting >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: command line: KyoShare \'28\' \'Administrator\' \'Test Page\' \'1\' <args> >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: using PPD file /etc/cups/ppd/KyoShare.ppd >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option count is 6 (196 bytes) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option 0 date-time-at-creation = >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option 1 date-time-at-processing = >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option 2 job-originating-host-name = localhost >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option 3 job-uuid = urn:uuid:4d54ecf9-c229-30ac-57d4-abad8f30f828 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option 4 time-at-creation = 1682330002 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS option 5 time-at-processing = 1682330533 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Driver Kyocera FS-2000D >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Using fd 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set options: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set string DitherAlgorithm to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string DitherAlgorithm to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting PageSize to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting MediaType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting InputSlot to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set string Quality to Standard >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string Quality to Standard >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting Resolution to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting InkType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting InkChannels to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting PrintingMode to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting Duplex to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting Orientation to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting LabelSeparator to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting Darkness to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting NativeCopies to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set string ColorCorrection to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string ColorCorrection to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting ChannelBitDepth to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting InputImageType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting STPIOutputType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting STPIRawChannels to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting SimpleGamma to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set bool LinearContrast to False (0) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting LUTDumpFile to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CyanCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting MagentaCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting YellowCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting BlackCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting RedCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting GreenCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting BlueCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting WhiteCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting HueMap to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting SatMap to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting LumMap to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting GCRCurve to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh0 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh1 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh2 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh3 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh4 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh5 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh6 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh7 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh8 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh9 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh10 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh11 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh12 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh13 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh14 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh15 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh16 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh17 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh18 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh19 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh20 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh21 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh22 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh23 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh24 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh25 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh26 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh27 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh28 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh29 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh30 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh31 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh32 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh33 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh34 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh35 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh36 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh37 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh38 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh39 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh40 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh41 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh42 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh43 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh44 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh45 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh46 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh47 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh48 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh49 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh50 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh51 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh52 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh53 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh54 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh55 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh56 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh57 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh58 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh59 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh60 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh61 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh62 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh63 to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set string ImageType to TextGraphics >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string ImageType to TextGraphics >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting JobMode to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting PageNumber to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting NumCopies to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Not setting Collate to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: End options >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Start rendering... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Start rendering...", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Processing page 1... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Processing page 1...", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: About to start printing loop. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: ================ Printing page 1 ================ >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] PAGE: 1 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Initialize page >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string ChannelBitDepth to 8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string PrintingMode to BW >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string InputImageType to Whitescale >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clear special parameter Resolution >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special parameter Quality to choice 2 (Standard) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string InputSlot to Standard >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: PageSize = 595x842 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Using page size A4 with (842, 595) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string PageSize to A4 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Set special string JobMode to Job >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Validating options >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clearing string MediaType ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clearing string Resolution ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Setting default string Resolution to None >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clearing string InkType ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clearing string Orientation ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clearing string LabelSeparator ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Clearing string STPIOutputType ((null)) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Setting default string STPIOutputType to (null) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Done validating options >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: limits w 595,000 l 18,000 r 577,000 h 842,000 t 12,000 b 830,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: max limits l 18,000 r 577,000 t 12,000 b 830,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Adjusting left margin from 18,000 to 18,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Adjusting right margin from 577,000 to 577,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Adjusting top margin from 12,000 to 12,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Adjusting bottom margin from 830,000 to 830,000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CUPS settings w 2329 l 75 r 75 h 3408 t 50 b 50 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: adjusted w 2329 h 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: End initialize page >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Interim page settings: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: === BEGIN GUTENPRINT SETTINGS === >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Driver: kyocera-fs-2000d >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: L: 18,000000 T: 12,000000 W: 559,000000 H: 818,000000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Page: 595,000000x842,000000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Conversion: traditional >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (DitherAlgorithm) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (PageSize) (2) (String) [A4] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (InputSlot) (2) (String) [Standard] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Quality) (2) (String) [Standard] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (PrintingMode) (2) (String) [BW] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Duplex) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (ColorCorrection) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (ChannelBitDepth) (2) (String) [8] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (InputImageType) (2) (String) [Whitescale] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (ImageType) (2) (String) [TextGraphics] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (JobMode) (2) (String) [Job] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Resolution) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (STPIRawChannels) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (PageNumber) (2) (Int) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (NumCopies) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (CUPSShrinkPage) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (NativeCopies) (2) (Bool) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (LinearContrast) (2) (Bool) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Collate) (2) (Bool) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (HorizOffset) (2) (Double) [0,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (VertOffset) (2) (Double) [0,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Brightness) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Contrast) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Saturation) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (AppGamma) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: === END GUTENPRINT SETTINGS === >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Page data: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: MediaClass = \"Standard\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: MediaColor = \"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: MediaType = \"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: OutputType = \"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: AdvanceDistance = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: AdvanceMedia = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Collate = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: CutMedia = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Duplex = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: HWResolution = [ 300 300 ] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: ImagingBoundingBox = [ 18 12 577 830 ] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: InsertSheet = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Jog = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: LeadingEdge = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Margins = [ 18 12 ] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: ManualFeed = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: MediaPosition = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: MediaWeight = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: MirrorPrint = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: NegativePrint = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: NumCopies = 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Orientation = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: OutputFaceUp = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: PageSize = [ 595 842 ] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Separations = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: TraySwitch = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Tumble = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsWidth = 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsHeight = 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cups->width = 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cups->height = 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cups->adjusted_width = 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cups->adjusted_height = 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsMediaType = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsBitsPerColor = 8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsBitsPerPixel = 8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsBytesPerLine = 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsColorOrder = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsColorSpace = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsCompression = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsRowCount = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsRowFeed = 3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: cupsRowStep = 0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: shrink page to fit 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: === BEGIN GUTENPRINT SETTINGS === >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Driver: kyocera-fs-2000d >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: L: 18,000000 T: 12,000000 W: 559,000000 H: 818,000000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Page: 595,000000x842,000000 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Conversion: traditional >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (DitherAlgorithm) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (PageSize) (2) (String) [A4] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (InputSlot) (2) (String) [Standard] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Quality) (2) (String) [Standard] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (PrintingMode) (2) (String) [BW] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Duplex) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (ColorCorrection) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (ChannelBitDepth) (2) (String) [8] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (InputImageType) (2) (String) [Whitescale] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (ImageType) (2) (String) [TextGraphics] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (JobMode) (2) (String) [Job] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Resolution) (2) (String) [None] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (STPIRawChannels) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (PageNumber) (2) (Int) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (NumCopies) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (CUPSShrinkPage) (2) (Int) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (NativeCopies) (2) (Bool) [1] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (LinearContrast) (2) (Bool) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Collate) (2) (Bool) [0] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (HorizOffset) (2) (Double) [0,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (VertOffset) (2) (Double) [0,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Brightness) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Contrast) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Saturation) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (AppGamma) (2) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Density) (1) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: (Gamma) (1) (Double) [1,000000] >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: === END GUTENPRINT SETTINGS === >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: End page data >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Starting page 1... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Starting page 1...", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Image_height 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Image_height 3408 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Image_width 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Image_width 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Image_width 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Gutenprint: Image_width 2329 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Printing page 1, 1% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 1%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: job-media-progress=1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Printing page 1, 2% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 2%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: job-media-progress=2 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Printing page 1, 3% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 3%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: job-media-progress=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Printing page 1, 4% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 4%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: job-media-progress=4 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Printing page 1, 5% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 5%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: job-media-progress=5 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Printing page 1, 6% >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Printing page 1, 6%", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] ATTR: job-media-progress=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] PID 28148 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.3) did not catch or ignore signal 13. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Processing page 2... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Processing page 2...", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Rendering completed >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Set job-printer-state-message to "Rendering completed", current level=INFO >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobProgress >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] PID 28147 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster) exited with no errors. >W [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Backend returned status 2 (authentication required) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Job 28] Job held for authentication. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----S) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(---J-) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] JobState >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] PrinterStateChanged >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:13 +0300] [Notifier] state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] GET /printers/KyoShare HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Read: status=200, state=3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Authorized as "Administrator" using Basic. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Processing GET /printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/doc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[7] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[8] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[9] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@kwork.samba.testdomain" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[10] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.4.2" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[11] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[12] = "USER=root" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[13] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[16] = "IPP_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[17] = "AUTH_TYPE=Basic" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=ru_RU.UTF8" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR=[v1.::1]" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/doc/cups/printers/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[27] = "PATH_INFO=/KyoShare" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[28] = "REMOTE_USER=Administrator" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[29] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_COOKIE=org.cups.sid=4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[31] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; Chromium GOST) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[32] = "HTTP_REFERER=http://localhost:631/jobs/" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[33] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] envp[34] = "QUERY_STRING=" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] cupsdAddCert: Adding certificate for PID 28153 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi (PID 28153) >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=28153, file=23) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] org.cups.sid cookie is \"4f4bd82186abe693ffe6d051a3eac196\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"printers\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REFRESH_PAGE=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Server address is "/var/run/cups/cups.sock". >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] skipping getpeercon() >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Accepted from localhost (Domain) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] 2.0 CUPS-Get-Default 1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] CUPS-Get-Default >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Content-Length: 160 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] con->http=0x559bc194d950 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=160, response=0x559bc190b800(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=160 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: DEFAULT_URI=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] show_printer(http=0x55e9c5d45e50, printer=\"KyoShare\") >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] 2.0 Get-Printer-Attributes 2 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] Get-Printer-Attributes ipp://localhost/printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Printer-Attributes (ipp://localhost/printers/KyoShare) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Content-Length: 661 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] con->http=0x559bc194d950 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=661, response=0x559bc18e5ee0(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=661 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_is_accepting_jobs[0]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_is_shared[0]=\"0\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_state[0]=\"3\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: admin_uri[0]=\"/admin/\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_uri_supported[0]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_name[0]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_location[0]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_info[0]=\"Windows Printer\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_sheets_default[0]=\"none, none\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: device_uri[0]=\"smb://WIND.samba.testdomain/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: color_supported[0]=\"0\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_make_and_model[0]=\"Kyocera FS-2000D - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.3.4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: media_default[0]=\"iso_a4_210x297mm\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: sides_supported[0]=\"one-sided, two-sided-long-edge, two-sided-short-edge\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: sides_default[0]=\"one-sided\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: printer_commands[0]=\"none\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: server_is_sharing_printers[0]=\"0\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TITLE=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Script header: >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Sending status 200 for CGI. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="(null)", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] Regular expression \".*Clean.*\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] Regular expression \".*PrintSelfTestPage.*\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] POST / HTTP/1.1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Read: status=200, state=6 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] No authentication data provided. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] 2.0 Get-Jobs 3 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Jobs (ipp://localhost:631/printers/KyoShare) from localhost. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Content-Length: 813 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] cupsdSendHeader: code=200, type="application/ipp", auth_type=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] con->http=0x559bc194d950 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=813, response=0x559bc193f5a0(IPP_STATE_DATA), pipe_pid=0, file=-1 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Writing IPP response, ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] bytes=0, http_state=0, data_remaining=813 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiClearVariables called. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SECTION=\"printers\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: TOTAL=\"3\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_name[0]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_uri[0]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_completed[0]=\"novalue\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_creation[0]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:53:22\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_processing[0]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 13:02:13\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_id[0]=\"28\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state[0]=\"4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_impressions_completed[0]=\"9\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_k_octets[0]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_state_message[0]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_name[1]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_uri[1]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_completed[1]=\"novalue\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_creation[1]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:57:38\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_processing[1]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 12:57:38\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_id[1]=\"29\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state[1]=\"4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_impressions_completed[1]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_k_octets[1]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_state_message[1]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SERVER_NAME=\"localhost\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: REMOTE_USER=\"Administrator\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: CUPS_VERSION=\"CUPS v2.4.2\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_name[2]=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_uri[2]=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_completed[2]=\"novalue\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_creation[2]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 13:02:06\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: time_at_processing[2]=\"Ðн 24 Ð°Ð¿Ñ 2023 13:02:06\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_id[2]=\"30\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_state[2]=\"4\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_impressions_completed[2]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_k_octets[2]=\"1\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetArray: job_printer_state_message[2]=\"\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_NAME=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: PRINTER_URI_SUPPORTED=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: THISURL=\"/printers/KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [CGI] cgiSetVariable: SEARCH_DEST=\"KyoShare\" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe) >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 17] Closing connection. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] PID 28153 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi) exited with no errors. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] con->http=0x559bc1907e40 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining=0, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=28153, file=23 >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Sending 0-length chunk. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Flushing write buffer. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] New state is HTTP_STATE_WAITING >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] [Client 1] Waiting for request. >D [24/Apr/2023:13:02:14 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:15 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:16 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:17 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:18 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:19 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:20 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:21 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:22 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:23 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:24 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:25 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:26 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:27 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:28 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:29 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:30 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:31 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:32 +0300] Expiring subscriptions... >I [24/Apr/2023:13:02:33 +0300] Expiring subscriptions...
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